Fault Tolerance

Augmentation for Asset Protection

Lumina prioritizes the security of its assets through a robust augmentation mechanism. Original assets before bridging are the asset that can be liquidated to cash in CEXes. Employing a sophisticated security protocol, Lumina safeguards original assets within user accounts. This proactive measure ensures a precise 1:1 ratio between augmented and original assets only done by asset owner, substantially minimizing the risk of arbitrary minting during bridge transactions. The intricately tied claiming process, specific to individual users, acts as a formidable defense against potential threats, especially in oversupply scenarios where hackers may attempt to manipulate the bridge. Lumina's stringent security measures establish a resilient and transparent ecosystem, empowering users to engage confidently in transactions without compromising the integrity of their assets. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of these security protocols remain paramount to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain a robust defense against potential risks.

Safe and Censorship-Resistant Lumina Assets

Lumina upholds its censorship resistance while maintaining a vigilant stance against potential threats. As an augmented asset derived from an original asset, Lumina allows the freezing of its derived assets from hackers in the presence of suspicious activity without sacrificing censorship resistance of original asset. Lumina validators actively monitor the supply of augmented assets, promptly reporting any detected malicious activities to the community. This proactive approach enhances Lumina's resilience and ensures the safety of its assets in dynamic environments. Lumina currently bans suspected North Korean hackers Lazarus' wallets to transfer Lumina assets.

Arbitrage opportunities

Augmented assets' price can depeg from original asset price due to increased demand or

Liquidity in a Decentralized Orderbook Exchange

Lumina strategically provides liquidity through a decentralized orderbook exchange, steering clear of vulnerabilities associated with Automated Market Makers (AMMs). This approach prevents hackers from draining pools in pairs by utilizing a fully decentralized orderbook exchange from Standard. Lumina's design makes it challenging for malicious actors to liquidate oversupplied bridged tokens into other assets, particularly after users cancel orders in the orderbook. This liquidity provision strategy enhances the security and stability of Lumina's asset ecosystem.

Decentralized Maintenance

Lumina distinguishes itself by embracing decentralization not only in concept but also in practice. Beyond team oversight, Lumina relies on multiple sets of validators operating on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. This decentralized maintenance approach ensures that Lumina's system is sustainably managed with full autonomy. By distributing responsibilities and authority, Lumina achieves a robust and resilient operational framework, reducing dependence on any single entity and reinforcing the overall security of the platform.

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